Given that these are common reasons for loss of interest, it's easier to get back to enjoying sex. The very first step to regain sexual interest is to regain assertiveness and confidence in oneself. Women are often found guilty of thinking about the welfare of their children or husbands that they tend to forget about their own personal needs including their sexual desires. This kind of distraction ensues even in the middle of intercourse and consequently, women easily have less appetite for sex, achieve weak orgasm, or worse, shut themselves out from sex.
In such case, doctors advise women to give more time for themselves and think of their sexual needs. Giving more time for themselves also means that women who have kids must hire babysitters from time to time to enjoy their lives. This enjoyment does not necessarily mean dating men, but it can be going out to see a movie, shopping, or leisure bathing--- simple pleasures that women can enjoy alone. With these 'private' pleasures, it is strongly believed that women will eventually recognize their needs for intimacy.
Once women have made time for themselves and taken back their self-assurance, non-sexual reconnection comes in. Non-sexual reconnection means getting close to a husband or partner without necessarily engaging in sex. According to David Schnarch, Evergreen Marriage and Family Health Center's director, a simple 5 to 10-minute hug can rekindle women's desire to engage in sex. If women are already connected with their partners, they can talk to them about what they like their partners to do to have better sex. For example, they might want to go to other places like hotels to have a change of environment or want to do new sexual positions that they think will give them faster and longer orgasms. Women can also read pornographic materials or watch pornographic videos with their partners to boost sexual urges.
If the whole experience is hindered by concerns like vaginal dryness, women can trust lubricants and libido boosting products to solve their problem and at the same time, still maintain their newfound or regained sexual confidence. These libido boosters, such as
">order now, contain natural ingredients including red Raspberry leaf extract, Damiana leaf, Licorice root, Valerian root, black Cohosh root, and Ginger root. The red Raspberry leaf extract is a female tonic that regulates women's uterine contractions while the Damiana leaf is an old aphrodisiac used by ancient generations and trusted by the contemporary medical community. The Licorice root, Valerian root, and black Cohosh root components of libido boosting products, like Provestra, also function as adrenal glands tonifiers, hormonal function enhancers, tension reducers, and stress relievers. The black Cohosh root, in particular, improves the contraction of the vagina and uterine, while the Ginger root serves as a stimulant that boosts the functions of other herbal ingredients.
In most cases, however, women who suffer from loss of sexual interest do away with the formalities of resolving the issue and merely resort to a simple solution---Provestra or other libido boosting products that suit their bodies. Such products are specially developed to help women who have lost their sexual appetite to bring their enthusiasm back. These products naturally restore sexual drive, improve foreplay pleasures, enlarge the clitoris, heighten sexual sensation, speed arousal, prolong orgasm, and enhance women's fertility by strengthening their reproductive systems. Other benefits of libido boosters like Provestra include more sound sleep, less menstrual cramps, and larger breasts.